Trust Issues

Photo by Liza Summer on

“You”, she said
“Are like the twig I held on to
That snapped”

I was terrified,
And you- my only hope
The one that never leaves-

While I turned my head around
Felt a backstab
A pain that went roots deep

In my logic
We were but one mind and heart
Who poisoned your veins?



When you grow accustomed to trust being shattered, you often find yourself scrutinizing those with genuine intentions towards you. The fear of disappointment from others becomes so ingrained that each stumble reinforces the belief that people are inherently untrustworthy. Yet, it’s essential to recognize that everyone is fallible, even those we hold dear, and we shouldn’t harshly judge them based on past betrayals. Distinguishing between those who betray our trust and those who are simply imperfect yet deserving of our trust becomes crucial.

I Will Fly

Photo by Joshua Abner on

I will fly
And build my nest upon Acacias high
Where I
Will nest my folk and tribe

I will try
To stay on track and I’ll aim high
And get by
All life’s unexpected trials

Tell me why
I have lived a pretty lie
For I
Am a lily in the desert place

I will not cry
But will glide up mountains high
I won’t be shy
For I can do all things by my Christ.

And when I die
Will be glad I lived not a lie
Like a  flutterby
My soul will dance upon the sky.


Friend Ship

Friendship is sneaking fries
For your friend at lunch
When you know they can’t stand the menu

Friendship is making time
For your old campus friend
When you’re both stuck in different worlds

Friendship is sending cards
To your busy big sister
When you barely see each other for months

Friendship is practicing poetry
For your new poet friend
Just so you can share their language

Friendship is offering a helping hand
To your crush next door
When you know you just can’t have nor lose them

Friendship is carrying her photo to army training
To never forget her smile
To remember there’s people who need you alive

Friendship is drawing boundaries
To keep your married friend a friend
Even though you could have made better friends

Friendship is making fries
For your children after church
When you know it means the world to them

Friendship is keeping a secret
For your on-and-off friend
When all you can do is pray them up

Friendship is two sitting quietly
Buried in their boring work
Without judgment for procrastinating


Never Have I Ever

(Someone requested me to write about Marriage. Here we go! This is the poem I wrote prior to getting married, and I’ve never shared it with anyone. Enjoy!)

Never have I ever…
Felt this strongly for any man,
Or been awoken by the power of love,
As I have with you.
Never have I ever explored what fantasies I desire,
Or what to truly be touched with love really means
I have seen you, loved you, been around you
And right now I feel certain of my commitment to you,
To spend all my days with you,
To serve you and be loved by you
To give up all the suitors in the world, as you give up yours too, and to choose each other for a lifetime
I feel teary thinking of this,
For I have often feared the pain of being hurt by a lover,
I’ve been bruised and shuttered,
I have been misunderstood,
Yet I choose to be brave and to choose love
Saying no to fear-based emotion,
I open my hands to you,
And with them my life also, and my mind, and my heart, and my soul 😭
Never have I ever given up control, as I do intend to give you (on 16.12.22)

Liz Mish

Composed on 8.10.2022

The Return of the Liz

I’ve been out and about
Looking for life
Life that felt lively, happy
I’ve been down in the dumps
Hurt, confused, broken, scattered
A few times my heart was glad
But what’s life if not a struggle

I did want to quit
I quit a dozen times honestly
Then picked myself up and tried again
But trying is tiring
So I got lost again
Constantly and horribly
More and more after every trial
Till I got to this plateau
Now I can smile a little
I feel regulated
I have some control

In this moment I am compelled
To share my life and thoughts
To write horribly and make mistakes
One can only live once
So here’s my only life in words
Take it, or don’t

(Do leave me prompts of anything you’d like to see me write about.
Till next time, bye)

The End

My Love will be the death of me,
Because I love too fiercely, carelessly
I have given away myself
I have sold me off to my captor
And I cannot undo this sacrifice
And this I find to be a grave thing
But what can I do ?
If I’ve handed over the keys…
To my lifetime cell
So am convinced thus: that I will continue to burn
I will burn, in every possible way, every day
I will burn when I stare
And see that he’s imperfect
I will burn when his eyes stray
To those of another
I will burn for last year’s mistakes
For every future failing
And when I fully burn,
Twill be the end of me.



Abstract perspective of a yellow stairscase by Markus Spiske is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

Suicide runs in my family. My uncle jumped over a bridge and drowned when I was a kid. Then years later, my big sister followed, she died in the hospital with the doctors giving CPR on a dead body. The only things she left behind were bills, tears, and a son. And maybe a bit of memory imprisoned in photographs and resuscitated in the person of her son— as a reminder that she was once here. I missed both funerals. I feared I would be taking another dead body to another person’s funeral. She was a good woman, though. I loved her.

I’ve also had thoughts of my own, of suicide. But it’s hardly noticeable, even to me. I know this from the way I live my life like I’ve got a spare— forlorn, tired, bitter, unlovable, isolated as if I’ll enjoy the next life. All these could kill me if I’m not dead already.

Though I live a careful life, death grins every time I leave the house. Everything is trying to kill me. Touts manhandle me to board their vehicles as if they’re about to dislocate parts of me. Others suffocate me with love as if I’m not already dead inside.

Suicide runs in my family. It would be okay if nobody was running in my family. But obesity would kill them too. So, I run in my family, to keep fit. To prevent my body from killing me as it did my sister. I saw her frail in the hospital bed for months, as she fought to keep alive, and her body weakened, responding with the opposite energy. And I grinned because I didn’t know what to say to the setting sun.

And I avoid drowning in alcohol, too. I live with my heart on my sleeves, and a fist in my pocket. Because it is suicide if the things you love kill you too.

¬By Brainy O’Bee

Find him on Facebook at:


A Weed Party

Photo by Pok Rie on
I had a little garden,
A garden my dad gave me,
Gave me ‘fore he died.

I went to see my garden,
My garden in the countryside,
The country green and lush.

So I tilled my garden,
My garden till it cleared,
Cleared up all the weeds.

I brought some seeds with me,
Of ‘tatoes and ‘matoes,
Tomatoes surely sell.

I packed up went back home,
Back home to do my job,
My job is pretty boring.

It rained upon my garden,
My garden grew so fast,
Fast forward by a month.

I traveled back to see it,
See, it did look great,
See all these leafy greens.

But were these *‘tatoes and *‘matoes?
No ‘tatoes and ‘matoes here!
Here were plants I did not plant.

One weed, two weeds, three weeds,
Three weeds, ten weeds, twenty,
Twenty-twenty was the year.

Bullies all over my farm!
My farm was clearly invaded,
Invaded by invasive plants.

A weed is an unwanted plant,
A plant I didn’t put here,
Here I was discouraged.

A weed party, is what it was,
It was a gruesome sight,
Sight that made my heart sink.

I stood my ground that day,
That day I made it clear,
Clear for all to hear.

This party is over!
The weed party is over!
Now everyweedy go home!

Photo by Eva Elijas on
'tatoes- potatoes
'matoes- tomatoes

Writing off Fears

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Writing off Fears

There is not a day,
That I did not plan,
To sit and write a poem.

Why? There always has been,
One topic- too many,
Hoarded here at heart.

Yet I did not write,
For I fear my words,
Might come piercing back.

I've heard some say,
Words ruin good things,
I've already lost enough.

Yet here I am sitting,
Writing off my not writing,
I will not fear failing. 

For I must brave up now, 
To write for the future, 
Who's 'now' will be the past.

For more reading…

Jonah’s Tree 2

Jonah of old to Nineveh went,
And when his mission did end,
He sat in the heat of the sun
His head got burnt and scorched
But the Lord with His mercies full,
Gave Jonah a tree for shade.

The tree gave him back his life,
When his neck was bent,
His throat badly parched,
He was refreshed,
His spirit revived.

The Lord then sent a worm
Which did eat the tree,
Which did then kill the tree
And Jonah got upset,
But the tree remained lifeless.

You are a tree,
The worm is near,
The worm must come,
To bring you back home,
To rest your body in soil,
The soil from which you came.

What will you do before then?
Dear tree, will you shelter?
Will you restore a dying man?
The master made you for shelter
Shade a Jonah with your lovely leaves.
And be ready for the worm is near.

Jonah’s Tree

In this journey called life, Missing a turn has brought many strife,
Things would be different; if we’d live more in the moment
As God’s grace is enough, even when our will supercedes His
I’d appreciate the plant like Jonah, enjoy the good while it lasts

When your steps are slagged, do not lose your spark
He gives rest, Just as He provided a shade for Jonah
His love is always up, and it’s burn as intense as the sun
Even when from purpose we run, He will quench our thirst

When you get a win, live a life that is full of praise
Keep your eyes on the prize, you might just get a raise
But be careful lest you settle, a worm might be sent
Just like one was for Jonah, and the tree that grew just fell


By Moses Waihura

Are you troubled?

When I do overcome,
Only then shall this battle end,
Till then ’twill be tears and fears,
For fear- a living thing,
Will always haunt it’s prey.

To man is given,
Two glorious weapons,
One love, the other courage,
Love to shield,
Courage to pierce the foe.

There is but one end-
A victor and a victim,
Who entertains thoughts of fear?
They will certainly lose,
For courage concedes not defeat.

So when you do feel it-
That overwhelming fear,
Hold a friend’s hand for courage,
Think upon love,
In fact resist your enemy’s lure.